Friday, January 8, 2010

Changing Course

I have not abandonded this blog, but have, in fact, been utterly consumed with turning my life completely upside down. On purpose.

We made the decision to homeschool Snacks several weeks ago and, ever since, have been trying to figure out what that means for our lifestyle going forward. This has meant saying goodbye to some well-loved familiar places and some dear friends, while scrambling to find new friends, support systems, and activities.

We don't really know what we're doing, but we know this feels right and good for us. We know that three schools in three years and endless frustration, anger, tears, and ill-will hasn't made for a happy and healthy family. We know that we can trust our strong, brilliant, creative, determined 6-year-old to learn, and learn some more, and never stop learning if we give him enough space and freedom and promise not to crush his spirit.

We know that this is going to be one crazy ride...

and we think it's gonna be freaking awesome.