Monday, August 31, 2009

Red Fin 2009

While I survived the night without my kids, Snacks' Beta fish did not fare so well. I found him lifeless this morning when I went to raise the window shade in Snacks' room.

One week ago we thought we were going to lose our dog but, thankfully, did not. Now I have to tell Snacks that his beloved fish died.

Snacks talked all the time to his fish, played music for him, insisted he understand English, and has declared him to be his favorite pet, even above the dog. He asked to repaint his room so Red Fin could feel more like he was in a tropical region.

When he left yesterday he asked me to make sure that I played music for Red Fin while he was gone overnight. I played a few minutes of Dan Fogelberg's greatest hits while I fed him.

The kids drawing pictures of Red Fin

We'll miss you Red Fin.